Wasser Fairness Schweiz

Auftakt und Ausstellung war am Donnerstag,
den 21. September 2023 in der Kornschütte Luzern
Ein Plädoyer für Fairness
Ein Plädoyer für Fairness und Respekt im Umgang der Schweiz mit unserer wichtigsten natürlichen Ressource: Wasser. Ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von Dr. Lucas Beck, Wasserexperte, sowie Carsten Brügmann, Fotograf. Wir bringen Ihnen informative Inhalte zu sozialen und politischen Dimensionen von Wasser in der Schweiz näher und regen Sie mit fotografischer Kunst zum Nachdenken über die Bedeutung von Fairness und Respekt im Umgang mit unserer wichtigsten natürlichen Ressource an. Der Anlass ist präsentiert von der Organisation Recht auf Wasser.
Das Projekt wird von der NPO Recht auf Wasser unterstützt
Die erste Ausstellung
bedeutet in einem physikalischen Kontext, periodisch hin und her zu schwingen, ähnlich wie eine Welle. Oszillieren ist eine Metapher um den dynamischen und wechselhaften Charakter von Wasser, Fairness und die Situation in der Schweiz darzustellen.

Auswahl von Orten in der Schweiz von Bedeutung für unsere Initiative
Interviews mit Experten und vieles mehr…

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Bitte benutzen Sie dazu das folgende Formular:
Recht auf Wasser
Wiggwil 6A
5637 Beinwil (Freiamt)
Recht auf Wasser ist eine in Luzern, Schweiz registrierte steuerbefreite Organisation. Die Adresse lautet
Recht auf Wasser
Wiggwil 6A
5637 Beinwil (Freiamt)
Redaktion, Konzept, Inhaltsstrategie
Recht auf Wasser
Trotz sorgfältiger Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschliesslich deren Betreiber:innen verantwortlich.
Der Autor übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr hinsichtlich der inhaltlichen Richtigkeit, Genauigkeit, Aktualität, Zuverlässigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Informationen. Haftungsansprüche gegen den Autor wegen Schäden materieller oder immaterieller Art, welche aus dem Zugriff oder der Nutzung bzw. Nichtnutzung der veröffentlichten Informationen, durch Missbrauch der Verbindung oder durch technische Störungen entstanden sind, werden ausgeschlossen. Alle Angebote sind unverbindlich. Der Autor behält sich ausdrücklich vor, Teile der Seiten oder das gesamte Angebot ohne gesonderte Ankündigung zu verändern, zu ergänzen, zu löschen oder die Veröffentlichung zeitweise oder endgültig einzustellen.
Copyright Bild und Text
Die Weiterverwendung von Bild und Text jeglicher Art bedarf des schriftlichen Einverständnisses von Recht auf Wasser und ist nur unter der Erwähnung der Copyrightangaben zulässig. Die Verwendung des Recht auf Wasser – Logos bedarf ebenfalls der schriftlichen Zustimmung von Recht auf Wasser.
Privacy Policy
The organisation “Right-to-Water” is a non-profit organisation with the purpose of promoting the human right to water for all without discrimination.
Right to Water is committed to treating your personal data with security, respect and confidentiality: We adhere to the standard of the ICRC related to the processing of an individual’s personal data. The ICRC Rules on Personal Data Protection are available here.
This privacy policy describes why Right to Water collects your personal data, what information is made available to Right to Water and third parties when you visit www.righttowater.ch and how Right to Water uses, stores and protects that information. You will also find information on how you can exercise your data subject’s rights. Any personal data disclosed to Right to Water will not be used in ways other than as set forth in this privacy policy.
- What personal data do we collect, and how?
1.1 Information you give us
We obtain person information from you when you communicate or share information with us, subscribe for newsletters or one of our online services, register to an event, apply to a vacancy, and/or make a donation.
Depending on the specific purpose (see section 2 below), we may ask you to provide, inter alia, part or all of the following information: your full name, date of birth, email and/or postal address, phone number, position/title, company/organisation, dietary requirements, CV and references and motivation for applying to a vacancy.
1.2 Information we collect automatically: cookies and web analytics
We automatically collect information through the Right to Water website to help administer, protect, and improve our services.
Such information may include information regarding your device, such as your IP address, your operating system and your browser activity, location of the device accessing the website, traffic data (such as the pages you visited on our website, the time spent on the website, number of downloads from the website) and interactions with social media platforms (such as sharing of elements from the Right to Water website to social media accounts). This information may be collected through the use of cookies and analytics.
Cookies are small data files made up of letters and numbers placed onto your computer or other mobile devices when you access the Right to Water website. We use cookies to collect information about you to the extent necessary to ensure its website functionality and performance as well as for the purpose of targeting its audience and tailoring the content offered to the public both on its website and elsewhere.
For the purposes of marketing and retargeting, we make use of various advertising pixels, including Facebook and Twitter pixels: these are codes used to track website visitors. These data allow us to retarget those users with ads in the future in other platforms (for example on Facebook or on Twitter). This allows us to gain more insights about our audience, send targeted messaging to users who already know Right to Water, and track the effectiveness of our social advertising efforts.
If you do not wish to have cookies or pixels installed on your computer or mobile device, you can set your browser to notify you before you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it. You can also set your browser to turn off cookies.
We also use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., to help us identify how people are using our website by processing the information mentioned above.
1.3 Links to third-party websites
Our website provides links to third party websites and social media platforms – such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn – that will collect data about you if opened.
Right to Water does not govern the processing of personal data by such third parties, so we suggest that you refer to the privacy policies of these websites should you wish to have more information.
- Why do we collect your personal data?
We collect your personal data for one or more of the following purposes:
- To allow you to contact us and/or receive information from us;
- To organise or promote events and/or Right to Water activities;
- To allow you to register as a participant to events we organise or co-organise;
- To process your donation to Right to Water or any question on how you can support Right to Water.
- To process your employment application;
- To consider you for future suitable vacancies, should you not be successful in your initial application;
- To analyse web statistics and log files, with the aim of improving the functioning of our website;
- To assess the performance of our advertising and improve the relevance of ICRC campaign and marketing messages displayed to you after you leave our website
Your personal data are not used for automatic profiling or decision-making.
- Who processes your personal data and with whom are they shared?
Internally, all personal data collected by Right to Water are processed only by designated Right to Water staff members or agents, for one or more of the specific purposes listed above, and only on a strict need-to-know basis.
Depending on the purpose for which we process your personal data, we may share the necessary information with selected third parties, such as:
- The people you have indicated as references in your application, should the latter be of interest to Right to Water: your name, surname and the details of your resume we wish to get feedback on;
- The host of an event we organize or co-organise: your name, surname and company/organization;
- Selected service providers that are necessary to process your data for the above-mentioned purposes;
- Social media platforms, through for example retargeting campaigns on Facebook
We will never rent or sell your personal information.
In case of sharing your data with third parties, we ensure as much as possible that the recipient has provided sufficient proof of compliance with the principles set out in the ICRC Rules on Personal Data Protection. This includes contractual obligations imposing a strict prohibition of using such data for purposes other than those specified above, and ensuring an adequate level of protection of the personal data shared from us.
- How long do we keep your data?
We will keep your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected them for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or archiving requirements.
To determine the appropriate retention period, we take into account the nature and sensitivity of your personal data, potential risks of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data and the purposes for which we process your personal data.
When we no longer need your personal data, or when you request they be erased to stop receiving our marketing messages, we will delete your data.
- What measures do we have in place to protect and safeguard your information?
We take the protection of your personal data very seriously, and we therefore apply adequate technical and organizational measures to protect against accidental loss and unauthorized access, use, destruction or disclosure of data. Some examples of these measures are:
- An official username and password are required in order to access our IT systems
- Authentication and authorisation for the IT systems are based on roles and tasks
- Our data center is physically protected and covered by our Privileges and Immunities
- Network security is configured to prevent external threats from accessing our infrastructure
- Confidentiality and data protection clauses are signed by service providers to ensure compliance with our security rules and the ICRC Rules on Personal Data Protection
- What are your rights regarding our processing of your personal data?
6.1 Information and Access
You have the right to request certain information about the personal data we hold about you. Furthermore, you are given the opportunity to verify your Personal Data and to access them.
6.2 Correction
You are also entitled to request the correction of any mistakes or inaccuracies in your personal data provided we are able to verify your identity. Please note that this does not apply in case your correction request relates to an assessment carried out by our staff and you are unable to provide sufficient proof of the assessment’s inaccuracy or respective data are contained in a record held by our archives.
6.3 Erasure
You are entitled to request that your Personal Data are fully deleted from our systems. However, there may be certain circumstances where we are obliged to retain your Personal Data.
6.4 Objection
You have the right to object at any time to the Processing of your Personal Data on compelling legitimate grounds relating to your particular situation. Any objection of this kind will be accepted if your fundamental rights and freedoms in question outweigh our legitimate interests, or the public interest, in Processing.
You also have the right to withdraw your consent and opt-out of receiving future information about the ICRC via e-mail at any time. Please communicate your wish to unsubscribe at the email address provided below.
- Contact us
We aim to always meet the highest standards to safeguard your privacy. Please contact us, if you require more detailed information on your rights regarding the personal data you have provided to us, the way we collect and use them, or if you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above.
Our contact regarding this matter is: hc.retawotthgir@ofni or Right to Water/Recht auf Wasser, 6000 Luzern.